BIM-Hub is a collaborative research project between Loughborough, Coventry and Ryerson Universities. The project aims to examine collaborative working in the construction industry and test the Building Information Modelling (BIM) mode of working.
The research has been established with funding from the Higher Education Academy. It will see final year students use BIM to develop a building scheme in the initial stages of design. It will be an international collaboration with students from Loughborough joining forces with students from Coventry University and Ryerson University, Canada to form multidisciplinary design teams. The project will set up and support virtual collaborative design which requires co-creation of knowledge at a distance within a real-time BIM platform.
This project website will provide a route for their collaboration and provide the forum where they will be able to evaluate lessons learnt, share case studies and guidance documents for the benefit of other students, academics and industry professionals. A key aspect of the evaluation will be to assess the employability skills acquired by the students and their learning experience. The project will give experience of collaborative working on an international scale and of BIM working. The project will disseminate lessons learnt from this research, which will be considerable interest to fellow educators and the construction industry.
The BIM-Hub project has been developed from a pilot project entitled “Learning to create a better built environment”, funded by Hewlett Packard Catalyst initiatives (2011-2012).
Some key findings have been presented in a webinar – see below:
The project has won the Premier Award of the CIOB International Innovation & Research Awards 2014 in the Innovation in Education & Training Award category.